


Afterschool 合作伙伴hip Spotlighted

菠菜网lol正规平台 包装 afterschool program

Oakland-based nonprofit 教练队, which has partnered with more than 700 afterschool programs nationally to give children in low-income communities the sport mentors they need, has bestowed its Partner of the Month honor upon the 长滩 Unified School District’s 包装 afterschool program. 

自2012年以来, 教练队 已经提供了210多个,000 youth with the opportunity to play sports under the guidance of a caring, 训练有素的教练. Informed by the latest research on youth character development, 教练队 trains coaches to foster persistence, 乐观, 自律, 孩子的同理心, providing coaches with the ongoing support they need to ensure girls and boys in under-resourced communities learn skills that last lifetimes.

  • 2021
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  • 区新闻