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Drone Soccer Teams Sweep U.S. Championship

Cabrillo High School Drone Soccer Team

Two high school drone soccer teams from the Long Beach Unified School District are among the top in the nation after impressive victories at 2024 United States Drone Soccer National Championship.

Cabrillo High School won first place, while Sato Academy of Mathematics and Science secured second and third place. They competed against tough opponents from across the nation, showcasing their ability to maneuver drones with precision and finesse.

Crowned as the 2024 U.S. Drone Soccer National Team, Cabrillo will represent the U.S. at the World International Drone Soccer Tournament in Hong Kong in October 2024.

菠菜网lol正规平台 Superintendent Dr. Jill A. Baker praised Cabrillo and Sato, saying that their victory at the U.S. Drone Soccer National Championship was a testament to their hard work, perseverance and collaborative spirit.

“Their remarkable achievement showcases the innovative spirit and dedication to excellence that we strive to instill in all our students. We commend them for their outstanding performance and congratulate them on this well-deserved success,” Dr. Baker shared.

Cabrillo succeeds Sato as the new national champion. Sato held the title last year after winning the 2023 National Championship. In January, Sato represented the U.S. at the Hanover Invitational Cup in Germany, where they competed as two separate teams and won gold and silver medals. Sato's international success was highlighted by NBC News in late April.

Cabrillo and Sato’s remarkable journey exemplifies the power of determination, perseverance and teamwork to achieve extraordinary success.

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