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County Honors Local Teachers of Year



Lisa Gaa teaches fourth and fifth grade at Longfellow Elementary School, Nicole Jackson teaches kindergarten at MacArthur Elementary School, and Jamie Vallianos-Healy teaches fourth grade at 点 Preparatory School.

Jackson was named for the L.A. County honor.  最近,在洛杉矶县教育办公室为全县顶尖教师举办的午宴上,这三位教师都获得了荣誉.

Lisa Gaa在每个学年开始时都是用一张“白纸”来决定对每个学生采取的最佳方法.

“虽然我从学生以前的老师那里得到了很多菠菜网lol正规平台他们的信息, 我给自己定了一个规则,在开学第一周之前,我不会去看任何数据.  I like to get to know my students with a blank slate, 这样他们每个人都有机会向我展示他们想成为什么样的学生.

“This scenario happens countless times year after year, where certain students will be labeled with a reputation for bad behavior, but for me, they aren’t a problem.  我把我的“白纸规则”归功于学生们能够做出选择积极行动和行为的转变.”

Gaa’s high expectations are part of her successful classroom management.

“My students thrive on the structure and discipline I provide in my classroom.  They like that I care enough to tell them ‘No’ sometimes, and to teach them how to make better choices.  我的校长告诉我,‘你的学生努力学习是因为他们想让他们的老师感到骄傲.’  Proud is the perfect word for how I feel about my students, and my profession.

“Other teachers often compliment me on my students’ achievement.  They ask me, ‘How do you do it? What are you doing that I’m not?“我的第一个答案是,我直接让学生参与到学习过程中来.  我房间里的每个学生都确切地知道他们的目标是什么,以及他们将如何实现目标.  I also teach through music and dance whenever I can, to meet the needs of students with different learning modalities.  我经常想出一些“技巧”,让我的学生们用来记住这些信息.”


“我让我的学生积极参与当地的回收团队和海滩清理组织.  我的学生和家人喜欢在学校和周末参加这些环境改善活动, because they have a direct effect on their community through fundraising, health consciousness and beautification.”


“Working with children is the most rewarding career possible.  I am always motivated and energetic about coming to work.  The smiles on kids’ faces when they learn something new, get a good grade on a test, get an answer to a burning question, or create a project they are proud of, is what makes the purpose of my life as a teacher joyous and complete.”

Nicole Jackson believes that she was born to be a teacher, but she took a different route than many others in the profession.

“It seems that many of my colleagues come from families of teachers.  我没有.  事实上, 我打电话告诉父亲,我已经决定从会计专业转到儿童发展专业,希望成为一名教师, I could hear the disappointment in his voice.  我还记得他提出,如果我拒绝在一个不安全的社区的第一份教学工作,他就付给我教师工资.  I understood his concern for me, 但我很感激我跟随了自己的心,尤其感谢我和那里的孩子们的经历.”


“Everyone knows what is expected of them when they arrive.  The routine is predictable and it reassures my young learners.  They know which subject is coming up next and how we will proceed together.

“Our classroom is a joyful place where every child’s voice is heard.  We sing and celebrate together.”

Students respond well to the structure she provides them.

“The growth my students make in one year is staggering.  我有很多学生,他们开始第一天不会拿铅笔,他们在一年结束时就一个主题写了四个句子.  Although each child’s academic growth is different, 每一个走出我家门的孩子都已尽其所能取得了成功.”


“This required an honest look at myself as a teacher.  有时候我很难承认自己在某些方面本可以做得更好,但正是这种诚实的自我反思让我对自己的能力更有信心.  This was a time of great personal growth.”


“我每天早上的目标是成为一名老师,激励孩子们,让他们愿意分享当天学到的东西.  一个对孩子的天赋表示赞赏的老师,即使这些天赋与学习成绩无关.  成为一名热爱和尊重学生的老师,拥抱和重视他们的多样性.”

Jamie Vallianos-Healy began her teaching career in another school district.

“I was overwhelmed with the task.  第一天,24岁的我走进教室,准备让他们热切的小头脑活跃起来.  I couldn’t have been more naive.”

Three years later, 作为实习计划的一部分,她决定学习,这帮助她发展了作为一名教师的技能, she came to 菠菜网lol正规平台.

“When hired, I remember walking through my new school.  There were fish tanks in the halls and pictures of students on the walls.  我觉得这是一个重视教育的地方,学习的精神弥漫在大厅里.”


“我相信我的职业最大的义务是促进学生对学习的内在热爱, 我努力创造令人兴奋和有趣的作业,吸引他们的精神和思想.  让学生们在全年的学术学习中进行艺术创作,可以让他们带着对新事物的欣赏和对学习更多知识的渴望离开小学.

“我总是提醒学生,我在这里不是为了提供答案,而是为了提供指导,让他们自己找到答案.  学生需要有机会为自己创造意义,并在内容领域中找到联系.”


“At back-to-school night, 我告诉家人,我们是合作伙伴,他们知道他们可以随时来找我.  I model this by being available by phone, email and before or after school.”

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